You Don’t Need Much

Boy I was tired today! Really tired. Thankfully, Not too tired to put some color on my journal images.

In a spare moment, mid yawn, before I washed some dishes, I pulled out a kitchen chair. I sat on the edge, and nestled my toes against the heater by the flour. I pushed aside a myriad of things on the island, and plopped my journal on top of a folder of recipes. I put my reheated tea on top of some notes and cards, next to a bag of heirloom flour. My pens filled the empty spaces between my journal and whatever was just outside the shot of this image.

At first, when I decided to share the adding of color, I thought “Yikes, I’ve got to clean up some of this mess.” But, while I wasn’t too tired to want to be creative, I was too tired to clean up so I could take a prettier picture. This is life. This is where I found a moment, a spot, and the inspiration to create. It really doesn’t take much. We don’t need a big studio, or even a large space. Just a space that can hold our work, and give us comfort.

As I write about what was surrounding me, I’m struck that what looks like mess surrounding me is really life and goodness, beauty and love. The notes are from people who love me. The tea is deliciously healthy green tea from Japan that my brother bought me. The bag of flour becomes many wonderful food items. The recipe folder has a plethora of ideas — some tried and loved, some waiting to be tried. As I look beyond the image in my minds eye, I see more mess. But, each messy, out of place, thing surrounding me, squeezing into my space — is tied to a blessing of some sort.

So, if I’m any example, and I think I am, you don’t need much. Carve out the space and the time. Push aside some of the mess. Perhaps as you touch it to make room for yourself and your work, you’ll discover your abundance.

Here’s to a 2024 of making space, taking time, creating, and living in the abundance of our lives.

#Show your Work!

I’m doing final preparations for my National Coalition of Girls Schools 2016 Global Forum presentation, and I picked up Austin Kleon’s books – just to immerse myself in some good creative energy and thought. On page 44 I found this:


Every day. EVERY day! Eee gads. Yup, that’s what I thought, Eee gads! Lol, how in God’s name can I do that, and not lose my mind? or my health? or both?

Then I read it again. Share something SMALL every day. Something SMALL!!!! 😀 Ah, I can do that. Well, lol, honestly, I don’t know if I can, but I can try. Maybe I will share something small some days …. or most days … or every  week. Who knows? But, I am embracing sharing something small today.

So, (along with my presentation) this is what I’ve been working on the past few days. (My plans are to do a smaller version of this journal with my Kindergarteners!)

Front outside cover…

2016-02-07 15.05.17

Front inside cover …

2016-02-07 15.02.59

Acrylic paint applied with an old credit card and my fingers, collaged with hand written papers and papers torn from magazines, embellished with paint marker writing.

I’m embracing the process, and the work — in its mess, and uncertainty, and “unfinishedness” — as an artistic representation for my life, my health, my journaling … sometimes messy, sometimes fantastic, sometimes beautiful, always in process! And, much like my life, I’m liking it!

(Btw, the back inside and outside cover remain blank canvases … white gesso … awaiting further time, inspiration, desire.)


Show your Work! 10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered (Austin Kleon, 2014 Workman Publishing Co).